Wednesday, February 10, 2010


a....ah…..friends they can be the ones you love more then your softest teddy they can be the ones you who hurts you the most , the ones you can trust the most , the ones who is always there, ones you can rely on, ones you can ask for anything day or night ones you can depend on ones that makes you smile when you feel like crying and makes you laugh when you already have tears in your eyes …. BUT…

some of them can be Christians some of them are not…

old friends…

#1-(if they don’t know )tell them you are a Christian

#2-take them with you to church

#3-tell them stories about Jesus

#4-pray a lot every night and day 24h

#5-ask them what do they think about Him

#6-tell them if they are really my friends they should change with you and live life right

#7-if non work you will have to move on and let God do the rest

I hope and Pray that you find the rights friends and see them all someday in heaven

God Bless

a Teen Creed

All about make-up


Make-up is one thing I really, really like……. All with the eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss, foundation every thing at ‘special occasions ’ my mom lets me wear some.
I’m not allowed to wear make-up as I please but it is all for a good reason my mother would not be so against it if it wasn’t, girls if you wear make-up day and night your skin would get uglier by the day, if you do not like your face or skin do not cover it with make-up coz then you’ll only make it worst guys don’t like it when girls are all covered in make-up, don’t hide!!! Girl if you are one of those girls that is wearing make-up all day, during school ect. then just try for a month going to school without make-up 1 month, no make-up not in the mornings not at school not in the evenings nor nights or even weekends!! Try it and after 1 month if you feel like nothing has changed then try for another month, just keep trying you’ll feel the difference but you have to be dedicated and honest and respect yourself for trying and don’t break the promise!!!

Boys, Boys & Boys

Boys………….. There will be a lot of breakups and heartaches but remember that no matter who breaks your heart or who’s heart you break there will always be your one special person for you! But don’t give up or try to commit suicide because there’s more to live then that one person!! You have managed to live and survive before you were together and trust me you will manage and survive after your break up! Don’t feel guilty if your ex commits suicide and blames you in the letter, because believe me its not your fault they decided to take their own life you did not force them to kill themselves!! God loves you and will never break your heart .

Pimples & Promises